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Sebastian D.
The Anatomical and Physiological Variations in the Sacroiliac Joints of the Male and Female: Clinical Implications. The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. 2000; 8(3): 127-134.

Sebastian D.
Extracranial causes for head pain: clinical implications for the physical therapist. Journal of the Indian Association of Physiotherapists. 2002; 1(1) : 9-16.

Sebastian D, Chovvath R.
Reliability of palpatory assessment in non-neutral dysfunctions of the lumbar spine. Orthopedic physical therapy practice. 2004; 16(3): 23-26.

Chovvath R.
Management of cervical radiculopathy with weakness using a multimodal approach of manual therapy, exercises and congnitive behavioral principles- A case report.
The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. 2008; 16(3): 170-71.

Malladi R, Sayeed Z A.
Motor Relearning Program in Stroke Rehabilitation. Neurology India. 1994; Supplement to vol. 42 (4): 4

Malladi R, Sebastian D.

Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment at the spinoglenoid notch : A case report. The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. 2007; 15 (3) : 186

Sebastian D.
Thoracolumbar junction syndrome: A case study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2006; 22: 53-60.

Sebastian D.
Principles of Manual Therapy. 1st edition. 2005,
Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi.

Sebastian D.
Effects of neural interface mobilization on lower extremity radicular pain- A single case design. The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. 2005 ; 13(3):

Sebastian D.
Triangular Interval Syndrome – A differential diagnosis for upper extremity radicular pain. Physiother Theory Pract. 2010 Feb;26(2):113-9

Anandan S, Sebastian D.
Ureteral calculi as a source of low back pain- a case report. J Phys Ther. 2010;1:72-79.

Sebastian D.
T2 radiculopathy: A differential screen for upper extremity radicular pain. Physiother Theory Pract. 2013 Jan;29(1):75-85.

Sebastian D.
Principles of Manual Therapy. 2nd edition. 2013, Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, Philadelphia, London, Panama.

Sebastian D, et al.
The sitting active and prone passive lag test: An inter rater reliability study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2014 Apr;18(2):204-9.

Sebastian D.
Lower Thoracic Syndrome. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2014 Oct;18(4):545-52.

Sebastian D, et al.

The cervical extensor endurance test: An inter rater reliability study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Apr;19(2):213-6.

Sebastian D.
Differential screening of regional pain in musculoskeletal practice.
1st edition.2015, Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, Philadelphia, London, Panama.

Sebastian D, Chovvath R, Malladi R.
The scapula backward tipping test: An inter-rater reliability study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 2017; 21: 69-73.

Sebastian D.
Principles of Manual Therapy. 3rd edition. 2019, Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, Philadelphia, London, Panama.

Sebastian D, Krishnan S.
Principles of Diagnostic Sonography in Iliopsoas Tendon Pathology. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 2019; 23(2): 352-58.

Sebastian D
The Active Supination Dorsiflexion Test Guided Therapeutic Intervention for Shin and Calf Pain: A Case Report. J Musculoskelet Disord Treat. 2020. 6;078: 1510078. 

Sebastian D, Chockalingam S, Patel C.
Dependent head posture dizziness syndrome: a case report. Int Phy Med Rehab J. 2022; 7(2): 56-65.

Sebastian D, George P, Tsang Z, Patel C.
The sitting active and prone passive lag test: A validity study in a symptomatic knee population. J Phys Ther Sc. 2023 ;35 (5) 312-319.






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